Tuesday, December 17, 2013

This project was the hardest one of all the projects we did by far. 

The solutions I used to do this project were to make all the pieces/ fruit first then put it all together when I'm done with them all. I also had looked at a picture and modeled the clay after the picture.

The modeling the clay after the picture worked best for me to give me an idea of how to shape it.

It was a challenge cause it was so much to make and you had to pre plan where you were going to put the shapes at to make it stand and not fall over.

I would pre plan the whole places the clay in certain stops to make it look better and and brake like mine did the first time and I would have poked more holes into the clay.

I did not feel good about this project after I got done due to that it blew up when it was being fired. Due to that it made the project not look good. 

In my mind I failed on this project cause I didn't poke enough holes into the clay.

I had never used coils before on creating something but that's what was new that I used on this project.

Coils is what I used in this project and it was my technique thought out the whole project.

Yes I did glaze it and i glazed it with a brush.

I felt really good about it and thought it came out realty well I liked it a lot.

It was a big success.

The techniques I used were slip and score.

Before this class I did not know you had to slip and score it to make it stick better.

What I wanted the project to look like is what it ended up looking like.

This project is not personal to me.

The art work is about a box.

It dosent express anything about me if it did then the color it's bright like me.